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Chapter 31—May 29, 1848

The Door of Salvation Was Still Open for the Hastings Children. 

Ellen White had a keen interest in the Hastings family. In a number of her letters she appealed to the Hastings children to give their hearts to the Lord. In a letter addressed to Brother and Sister Hastings, Ellen White wrote: SDD 20.1

I often awake myself crying to God’s people to get ready, get ready that the cloak of Almighty God may be thrown around them and they be hid in the time of trouble. I shall be deprived of the privilege of meeting with you in conference. I feel the privation, but the will of the Lord be done. My heart and mind will be there, and my prayers shall be for you that God would work among you. 

How are the children? Do they feel their acceptance with God? Dear children, do not rest a moment if you do not, God loves to hear the prayers of the young. Call upon Him and make your peace with Him that you may stand in the day of slaughter. I do love you, children, and I want you to be saved in the kingdom and enjoy the beauty of the earth made new. Get ready, get ready, love not this world, love not the wicked, but God and those who have His image.—Ellen G. White Letter 1, 1848, p. 2 (May 29, 1848).