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Chapter 40—March 30, 1849

Ellen White Kept Brother Stowell in the Truth and Again Appealed to the Hastings Children to Secure Their Souls’ Salvation. 

The first Sabbath we spent in Topsham [March 24] was a sweet, interesting time. It seemed that Jesus Himself passed through our midst and shed His light and glory upon us. We all had a rich draught from the well of Bethlehem. The Spirit came upon me and I was taken off in vision. I saw many important things, some of which I will write you before I close this letter. I saw Brother Stowell of Paris was wavering upon the shut door. I felt that I must visit them. Although it was fifty miles off and very bad going, I believed God would strengthen me to perform the journey. We went and found they needed strengthening. There had not been a meeting in the place for above two years. We spent one week with them. Our meetings were very interesting. They were hungry for present truth. We had free, powerful meetings with them. God gave me two visions while there, much to the comfort and strength of the brethren and sisters. Brother Stowell was established in the shut door and all the present truth he had doubted. Strength was given me from on high so that my journey wearied me not at all and my health has been better ever since. Thank God He gives us strength as we need.... SDD 25.3

I will now write you the vision God gave me on the Sabbath, the 24th of March. We had a glorious meeting. I was taken off in vision.... SDD 25.4

Dear Brother and Sister, I have now written the vision God gave me. I am tired sitting so long. Our position looks very clear. We know we have the truth, the midnight cry is behind us, the door was shut in 1844 and Jesus is soon to step out from between God and man.... SDD 25.5

Arabella, the Lord is coming; are you all ready? Can you meet Him in peace and say, This is our God, we have waited for Him? Oh, do take hold on the strength of God and make peace with Him, that you may stand when the earth shall reel to and fro like a drunkard. And the rest of the children—I cannot call them by name—Love God with your whole hearts and pray much that you may be sealed. It is of great importance that you secure your souls’ salvation.—Ellen G. White Letter 5, 1849, pp. 1-3, 5, 6. (To Brother and Sister Hastings, March 30, 1849.) SDD 26.1