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Chapter 42—November 17-18, 1849

“Our Number Is Constantly Increasing; Honest Souls Are Seeking for the Truth.” 

An unnamed author describes a three-day general meeting at Centreport, Western New York: SDD 27.9

Beloved Brethren, scattered abroad 

God is reviving his people, and building up his cause in Western New York.—During the scattering time we have passed through many heart-rending trials, while we have seen the precious flock scattered, torn and driven; but, thank God, the time has come for the flock to be gathered into the “unity of the faith.” Divisions are being thoroughly healed, and strong union, and fervent Christian love increase among us. The “commandments of God, and the testimony of Jesus Christ” are to us the present truth—the meat in due season. The little flock here in this region are established on the Sabbath, and our past advent experience. Our number is constantly increasing. Honest souls are seeking for the truth, and are taking their stand with us. The brethren have seen the importance of leaving their useless habits;—therefore they have put away snuff and tobacco, as useless, filthy and unclean. Our general meetings have been rising in interest and power for some time past; but very recently they have been exceedingly interesting and powerful. 

Our general meeting, holden at the house of Bro. Harris, in Centreport, Nov. 17 and 18, was one of the best I ever attended.—Here we met some of our beloved brethren from the east—Brethren Ralph and Belden from Connecticut, and Brother and Sister White from Maine. They came to us “in the fullness of the blessing of the gospel of Christ,” strong in the present truth. It was a melting, confessing, refreshing season.—The meeting was closed on first day, in the forenoon, and almost all the brethren left. 

About ten days before the Centreport Conference, I was deeply impressed with a sense of duty to make one more effort to rescue our beloved Bro. Rhodes, whose case has laid with weight on my mind for some time past.... 

The next morning we had a season of prayer, and the Spirit was richly poured out, and the Lord gave Sister White the following vision, which was contrary to her former opinion and feeling relating to our going after Bro. Rhodes, up to the time that the Spirit took her off in vision. 

“While in vision the Angel pointed to the earth, where I saw Bro. Rhodes in thick darkness; but he still bore the image of Jesus.... 

I saw that Jesus was pleading his blood for Bro. Rhodes, and that the Angel was ready to enroll his name, as soon as he would come out of that dark place, and stand on all the present truth. The Angel pointed me to the snare of Satan that bound him; and I saw that he thought that there was no hope, no mercy for him; and it would be of no use for him to try. I saw that Brn. Edson and Ralph should make him believe there was hope, and mercy for him, and tear him away, then he would come among the flock; and that Angels would attend them on their journey. I heard an Angel say—“ Can ye not see the worth of the soul! Pull him out of the fire.” I saw that in Bro. Rhodes’ mouth there had been no guile in speaking against the present truth, relating to the Sabbath, and Shut Door. I also saw that the Lord had laid Bro. Rhodes’ case heavily on Bro. Edson.” E. G. WHITE.—The Present Truth, vol. 1, no. 5, (December, 1849), pp. 34-35.