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Chapter 43—December 16, 1849

David Arnold’s Article On the Shut Door: In 1844 Christ Shut the Door of the First Apartment and Opened the Door of the Second. 

On January 3, 1850, James White, in Oswego, New York, wrote to Brother and Sister Hastings: SDD 28.1

Ellen saw that Brother Arnold and I must put our lights together on the testimony of Jesus or shut door. This we have done and maybe all is done. Therefore I think I shall wait until I get new light. O, God have mercy on me, and teach me. Amen. Pray for me, do.—White Estate Record Book, No. 1, pp. 49-50. 

David Arnold’s long article, written under date of December 16, 1849, was published by James White in The Present Truth. Since Ellen White apparently endorsed Brother Arnold’s views, we give the entire article here (emphasis in italics supplied): SDD 28.2