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Chapter 50—March 18, 1850

Ellen White: “Children, ... Get Ready to Meet Jesus.” 

I warn Arabella and the rest of the children to prepare to meet Jesus, and then they will meet their mother again never more to be parted. Oh children, will you heed her faithful warning that she gave you while she was with you? Let not all her prayers that she has offered up to God for you, be as water spilt upon the ground. Get ready to meet Jesus and all will be well. Give your hearts to God and do not rest a day unless you know that you love Jesus.—Ellen G. White Letter 10, 1850, p. 3 (To the Hastings family, March 18, 1850, from Oswego, NY). SDD 36.1

This appeal was written by Ellen White to the Hastings children a few days after their mother’s death on February 28, 1850. Concerning the effect Sister Hastings’ death had on her family, Ellen White wrote later: SDD 36.2

God works in a mysterious way His wonders to perform. Her death was indeed to save her children. Her earnest prayers had gone up to God, to save them in any way that He should choose. The mother was snatched away, and then her faithful admonitions, her earnest prayers and many tears were regarded, and had an influence upon the smitten flock. We visited the place after the mother’s death, in June, 1850, and found the father bereaved and lonely, but living for God, and bearing well his double burden. He was comforted in his great grief by seeing his children turning unto the Lord, and earnestly seeking a preparation to meet their dear mother when the Life-giver shall break the fetters of the tomb, release the captive, and bring her forth immortal. My husband baptized the four eldest children.—Life Sketches of James White and Ellen G. White (1888), 257-258. SDD 36.3