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Chapter 52—April, 1850

The Door of Salvation Was Still Open for the Children of the “Remnant.” 

James White reports the efforts made in behalf of the believers’ children at Oswego, New York: SDD 37.2

A very interesting work is now going on among the children of the “remnant” in this city. Their salvation has been the principal subject in our meetings for the last two Sabbaths, and God has wonderfully blest us. The truth has had a good effect on us, as well as the children. In the evening following the last first-day, we had a meeting for their special benefit, and the Spirit of the Lord was poured out in our midst. The children all bowed before the Lord, and seemed to feel the importance of keeping the commandments, especially the fifth, and of seeking salvation through Jesus Christ. This was one of the most interesting meetings that I ever witnessed. —The Present Truth, vol. 1, no. 9 (April, 1850), p. 72.