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Chapter 59—July 29, 1850

Ellen White: Conversions to the Truth Will Not Be Limited to Former Millerites. 

The angel said some tried too hard to believe; faith is so simple ye look above it. Satan has deceived some and got them to looking to their own unworthiness. I saw they must look away from self to the worthiness of Jesus and throw themselves just as they are, needy and dependent and unworthy upon His mercy and draw by faith, strength and nourishment from Him. Said the angel, The desolations of Zion are accomplished. I saw He took away the first and established the second; that is, those who were in the faith would become rebellious and be purged out and others who had not heard the Advent doctrine and rejected it would embrace the truth and take their places.—Ellen G. White Ms. 5, 1850 (July 29, 1850), pp. 3, 4. Identical passages are found in Ms. 16, 1850, pp. 2, 3. SDD 42.2