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Chapter 69—1846-1850

Ellen White’s Labors From 1846 to 1850 Were for the Unconverted, Backsliders, and Those Who Had Not Rejected the Truth. 

In his 1885 series of articles on the “Shut Door,” George I. Butler states: SDD 46.3

In a letter recently received from Bro. Ira Abbey, of North Brookfield, N. Y., whose name is signed to the statement at the close of this article, I take the liberty of making the following extract: 

“After the time passed I was a strong shut door believer. But when the third angel’s message was preached, I with my wife embraced it. Between 1846 and 1850 Bro. and Sr. White came to our house, and were very zealous for the children and those that had not rejected the truth. They labored for unconverted souls, and never do I remember of hearing Sr. White say that there were no hopes of the unconverted; but there were hopes of the backsliders and those that had not rejected the truth.” 

This is an extract from a private letter and was not written for publication.—George I. Butler, The Review and Herald, April 7, 1885, p. 217.