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Chapter 76—June 21, 1851

Ellen White: The Message Must Go; Time Will Never Be a Test Again. 

The Lord showed me that the message must go, and that it must never be hung on time, for time never will be a test again. I saw that some were getting a false excitement arising from preaching time; that the third angel’s message can stand on its own foundation, and that it needs not time to strengthen it, and that it will go in mighty power and do its work, and will be cut short in righteousness. SDD 51.2

I saw that some were making everything bend to this next fall, that is, making their calculations and disposing of their property in reference to that time. I saw that this was wrong, for this reason, instead of their going to God daily, and earnestly desiring to know their present duty, they looked ahead and made their calculations as though they knew the work would end this fall, without inquiring their duty of God daily.—Ellen G. White Ms. 1, 1851, p. 1. (Vision at Camden, NY.) SDD 51.3