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Chapter 77—June 23, 1851

Ellen White: Though Sister Preston Was in Perfect Darkness, Salvation Was Possible for Her. 

The Lord showed me the company in Camden. I saw that Sister Almira Preston was a child of God and that the band had been very wrong and had not stood in the light of God’s countenance. I saw that the destiny of a soul should never hang on dreams or impressions, that these two things have governed the band much. I saw that Sister A. Preston was in the midst of perfect darkness, none to help or encourage her. Her being in the midst of wicked influences had weakened and discouraged her. Then was the time for the brethren ... to strengthen her and pray for her and call down the blessings of God upon her and to try in every [way] that they could to encourage her, but instead of that they had pushed her off into the jaws of the lion because she did not appear to be as strong as others. SDD 51.4

I saw that God loved her and frowned upon the course of the band; that if God bore no more with them than they had borne with some of their number, He would long since have withdrawn His mercy from them and left them wholly to themselves. I saw that if Sister A. Preston would be humble and hold this faith before God, that He would keep her and among all her trials bring her off victorious.—Ellen G. White Ms. 2, 1851. SDD 52.1