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Chapter 79—July 21, 1851

Ellen White Expresses Her Burden for the Salvation of the Thompson Children. 

After we parted with you and came to Brother Thompson’s, we felt a great interest for this family, especially the children; and Tuesday morning we felt agony of soul for them. We felt that God must work for them, and our earnest, united prayers ascended within the second veil; we claimed the promises for them, and for the first time their voices were heard in prayer.... SDD 53.2

There is quite a company in this vicinity who are out in all the truth; and then there are others who are not fully established. T. M. Preble has been around here and has injured some, but our prayer to God is that He would palsy the influence that he has had, and that He would let the clear light upon His truth shine out, so as to establish the wavering.—Ellen G. White Letter 4, 1851, pp. 1-2. (To Brother and Sister Dodge, from Ballston, Spa, N.Y.) SDD 53.3