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Chapter 84—August 24, 1874

Ellen White Insisted on the Integrity of Her Visions as Well as the Integrity of Her Public Statements Concerning Them. 

With my brethren and sisters, after the time passed in forty-four I did believe no more sinners would be converted. But I never had a vision that no more sinners would be converted. And am clear and free to state no one has ever heard me say or has read from my pen statements which will justify them in the charges they have made against me upon this point.... SDD 55.6

I never have stated or written that the world was doomed or damned. I never have under any circumstances used this language to anyone, however sinful. I have ever had messages of reproof for those who used these harsh expressions.—Letter 2, 1874; Selected Messages 1:74. SDD 56.1

This statement is in perfect harmony with all of Ellen White’s writings, both published and unpublished. SDD 56.2