A statement prepared in 1962 by R. L. Odom, Index editor, and updated by the Ellen G. White Estate, 1989.
In examining the teachings of the Spirit of Prophecy to answer queries concerning the hidden ark of the covenant and the tables of the law of God, it is essential that we keep in mind the fact that there have existed “two” arks of the covenant—one in the earthly sanctuary, and one in the heavenly sanctuary—and that in “each of them” there has been kept a set of tables of stone on which the Decalogue has been inscribed. Both of these arks and both of these sets of the divine law have been hidden from the gaze of men. Therefore, it is necessary to find out which of the two sets of the tables of the Ten Commandments will be brought forth to the view of the inhabitants of the earth in the future. ACWF 1.1