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by Arthur L. White, Secretary 

The Ellen G. White Estate 

The purpose of this paper is to give an opportunity to the pioneers of the SDA church to disclose their understanding of the relationship of the Protestant position of “The Bible and the Bible Alone” to their wholehearted acceptance of the product of Ellen G. White’s pen as inspired writings. James and Ellen White are the principal spokesmen on this point, possibly because their statements were published and are therefore more readily available, possibly because they more than others were on the spot, as it were, on the question. Then regardless of other points, Ellen White’s declarations naturally carry great weight. PBORWEW 1.1

Statements and allusions of their contemporaries fall in line with the statements of the Whites. Some today seem perplexed with what seems to be a conflict in the repeated statements employing the term, “The Bible and the Bible alone” and at the same time giving full credence to the claim of inspiration for the writings of Ellen White, which binds us to acceptance and obedience. PBORWEW 1.2

1. The Bible and the Bible Alone2
2. The Context of Determining Our Position3
3. The Factors of Creeds and Traditions4
4. A Firm Position5
5. In the Setting of the Visions6
6. Influence of the Spirit of Prophecy in Establishing Doctrine7
7. A Creed Would Vitiate the Spirit of Prophecy10
8. Other Witnesses Testify11
9. An Examination of the Primary E.G. White Statements in Their Setting13
10. Conclusion20
11. APPENDIX A—How the Pioneers Studied the Bible Together22
12. APPENDIX B—God Through the Holy Spirit Set His Seal Upon the Truth24
13. APPENDIX C—Less Significant Statements on “The Bible and the Bible Only” or “The Bible Rule”26
14. APPENDIX D—Do We Discard the Bible by Endorsing the Visions28
15. APPENDIX E—Our Use of the Visions of Sr. White34