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February 20, 1908

Watchman, What of the Night?


Are the watchmen giving the trumpet a certain sound? Are the shepherds caring for the flock as those who must give an account? Are the ministers of God watching for souls, recognizing in them the purchase of the blood of Christ? PUR February 20, 1908, par. 1

Too often in the past our people have had much sermonizing and little prayerful instruction on how to labor for others. The different lines of labor in which believers can engage have not been laid before them in such a way that they have been led to understand their duty, and constrained to take up their work. Had the work that has been done in our churches have been established to work company of self-denying workers would have been raised up in every place where churches have been established, to work for unbelievers. PUR February 20, 1908, par. 2

Church-members need to be taught that the measure of their success in ministering to souls will be the measure of their self-denial and their faithfulness in following Christ's example. Those who, while claiming to be Christians, think they have no church responsibility but to sit and listen to the preacher, fail of realizing the privileges of the children of God. What can be said to the idlers that will lead them to understand, and arouse them from their do-nothing position? O, that Zion would arouse and put on her beautiful garments. Brethren and sisters, as members of the church, let us act our part faithfully. Let us not allow the light which is in us to go out because we refuse to give that light to others. PUR February 20, 1908, par. 3

God has given to every man his work; not one is excused from service. All should seek for an education that will enable them to give the truth of the gospel to their fellow men. Every agency in the church should become a channel of light to the world. There are many who will receive the evidences given, and will accept the truth. The youth are to take hold of this work of soul-saving. All our talents are to be used to the glory of God. I saw One standing with outstretched arms, saying in a clear, ringing voice, “Come into line, come into line.” PUR February 20, 1908, par. 4

Ministers, do not think that you have met all your responsibilities when you have delivered a long sermon in the church. It is your duty to train young men and women to do work for the Master. The Lord calls you to put forth all your ingenuity, that every church-member may become a working member. Even the children should be encouraged to work. The children, the youth, and those of middle age should be taught to labor in missionary lines. Then call upon them in the missionary meeting to report what they have done and to tell of their success. The missionary meeting should be full of interest and life. “Ye are the light of the world,” said Christ, “Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven.” PUR February 20, 1908, par. 5

Those who heed the light God has given, line upon line, and precept upon precept, will be endowed with the Spirit of God for their labors. Heavenly influences will go with them to help them meet the emergencies that will arise in their work. If church-members will work, and watch, and pray, they will have light to comprehend and appreciate the work to be done for this time. PUR February 20, 1908, par. 6

Will the ministers and the presidents of our conferences allow church-members to continue in their inefficient condition? Those who stand as overseers of the church of God need to arouse to their duty, and set souls to work. There is an abundance of work to be done, and the end is near. God calls upon the ministers to educate the people in various lines of labor, and set in order the things that remain. Ye are laborers together with God. My ministering brethren, angels of God will be with you as you thus become mediums of strength and blessing to uphold and encourage the church of God. PUR February 20, 1908, par. 7

We are certainly living in the closing days of this earth's history. We need to devote much time to our spiritual interests, if we would experience the spiritual growth that is essential in this age. We are to make decided reforms. The Voice said: The watchmen need to awake, and give the trumpet a certain sound. The morning cometh; and also the night. Wake up, My watchmen. Voices that should now be heard presenting the truth are silent. Souls are perishing in their sins, and ministers and physicians and teachers are asleep. Wake up the watchmen! PUR February 20, 1908, par. 8

Mrs. E. G. White