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August 13, 1914

The Place of San Fernando Academy


May 15, 1903, Mrs. E. G. White wrote the following concerning this school: “I have felt from the first that it was the Lord's privilege which gave you that location; and, if the school was wisely managed, it would prove a great blessing to the people of Southern California. I have felt that you ought to do thorough work with whatever you undertake, and that if you are faithful in teaching the common branches, many of your students could go directly into the work as canvassers, colporteurs and evangelists.” PUR August 13, 1914, par. 1

“A few days ago I had the privilege of seeing the buildings and surroundings of the San Fernando School.... I am glad that you are several miles away from the City of Los Angeles. You have good buildings, and are in a favorable place for school work.... PUR August 13, 1914, par. 2

“Let the San Fernando school be conducted along the lines of the ancient schools of the prophets, the Word of God lying at the foundation of all. PUR August 13, 1914, par. 3

“It is important that we should have such a school as the one soon to be opened at San Fernando. To us has been committed a great work,—the work of proclaiming the third angel's message to every nation, kindred, tongue and people. We have but few missionaries. From home and abroad are coming urgent calls for workers. Young men and young women, the middle-aged, and, in fact, all who are able to engage in the Master's service, should be putting their minds to the stretch in an effort to prepare to meet these calls. PUR August 13, 1914, par. 4

“Let us do all in our power to make the San Fernando school a blessing to our youth. Teachers and students, you can do much to bring this about, by wearing the yoke of Christ, daily learning of Him, His meekness and lowliness. Those who are not directly connected with the school can help to make it a blessing by giving it their hearty support....” PUR August 13, 1914, par. 5