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March 4, 1889

The Fruits of Faith

[Morning talk at South Lancaster, Mass., January 16, 1889.] 


God is not pleased with ignorance. We must become better acquainted with the principles of divine truth, that we may know better how to deal with human minds. We must have a closer connection with Heaven. We must follow the light, and reflect its rays upon the pathway of others. We want to enter right into the work, to go out to minister to souls. We should not be satisfied until the converting power of God attends our labors. To him who “goeth forth and weepeth, bearing precious seed,” the promise is given that he shall doubtless come again with rejoicing, bringing his sheaves with him. ST March 4, 1889, par. 1

Laborers are needed everywhere to reveal Jesus to the people as he is. Those who abide in him will not misrepresent the truth by complaining and murmuring. They will say with Paul, “For our light affliction, which is but for a moment, worketh for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory; while we look not at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen; for the things which are seen are temporal; but the things which are not seen are eternal.” By faith we behold Him who is invisible. Our faith reaches up to lay hold of the realities of the unseen world, and the affliction of the present is esteemed light in comparison with what is reserved in Heaven for us. ST March 4, 1889, par. 2

The angels of Heaven are looking upon us to see what we are doing to proclaim the truth for this time. Christ has made us ambassadors to make known his salvation to the children of men, and if we are clothed with the righteousness of Christ, and are filled with the joy of his indwelling Spirit, we shall not be able to hold our peace. The truth will be poured forth from hearts all aglow with the love of God. We shall long to present the attractions of Christ, and the unseen realities of the world to come. We shall reflect the bright beams of the Sun of Righteousness. We are to be partakers of Christ's suffering and his self-denial; and if we suffer with him, we shall also reign with him. If we are partakers of his humiliation, we shall also be partakers of his glory. If we go forth weeping, with the heart broken, with self subdued, there will be no lofty lifting up of self instead of Jesus; but there will be the bearing forth of precious seed, and the certain returning with joy and with precious sheaves for the Master. The quickening influence of the grace of God will be made manifest. There will be an intensity of desire to follow in the path that Jesus trod. There will be an earnest longing that those around us may behold “the Lamb of God which taketh away the sins of the world.” We shall want to see the salvation of souls. Our thoughts will be filled with loving zeal for the Master. ST March 4, 1889, par. 3

There are souls all around us who are starving for the bread of life; and how can we keep it to ourselves? Present truth must be preached to the people with unwavering faith and untiring effort. You must minister to those around you the truth that you have received. Diffuse the light that has fallen upon your heart. Paul's charge to Timothy is just as applicable to us today as it was to the young disciple. He said: “Thou therefore, my son, be strong in the grace that is in Christ Jesus. And the things that thou hast heard of me among many witnesses, the same commit thou to faithful men, who shall be able to teach others also.” We are to put every talent out to the exchangers, that it may be returned to God with usury. We are to do the work that Christ has committed to his followers, and preach the gospel to every creature. We do not realize what we shall be able to do when we are truly consecrated. ST March 4, 1889, par. 4

There are souls on every hand who are crying, “Come over and help us.” Solemn responsibilities are resting upon the people of God. I thank God for our schools, where young men and young women may be prepared to labor in the Lord's moral vineyard. I thank God that the Bible is regarded as the most important study of our schools. Why should not the precepts of Jehovah be diligently studied? “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom.” It lies at the foundation of all knowledge and wisdom. When Daniel was in the court of Babylon, what was it that enabled him to stand as a rock amidst all the subtle and overwhelming temptations of the king's court? He had his eyes on the precepts of God, and he was determined to be a loyal subject of Heaven. He purposed in his heart that he would not indulge in the luxuries of the King's table, but that he would keep his faculties in the best order, and his mind in a condition to appreciate eternal and spiritual truths. And when the king inquired of him, he found him ten times wiser than all the astrologers and wise men in his court; for God gave him understanding and wisdom. Let the youth take the Bible as their guide, and stand like a rock for principle, and they can aspire to any height of attainment. There is no limit to the knowledge that they may reach. You may aspire as you wish, but there will always be an infinity beyond. Take God's word to balance the mind, and you will be led into large fields of fruitful thought. You may be fitted for positions of usefulness and trust in this world, and, in comparison with the wise men of earth, you may be found, as was Daniel, to be men of tenfold greater wisdom than all the astrologers in the realm. ST March 4, 1889, par. 5

The only means whereby humanity can be reached and saved is through the co-operation of the human with the divine. Humanity can reach humanity. If the angels could have been saviours, it would have been necessary for them to take on them human nature, as did Christ. They would have had to experience the trials and sorrows of humanity, in order that they might know just how to pity and aid men, and to give them moral and divine power. But there was none who could be the saviour of the world but Jesus, the Son of God. Through his merits, men stand before God as candidates for eternal life. We are to be overcomers. We are to gain the victory here and now; we are to obtain a precious experience in the things of God now. If we do not get that experience and victory in this life, we shall never obtain it. ST March 4, 1889, par. 6

Every day we can teach others precious lessons in forbearance, in love, in compassion. We are to be representatives of Christ in every action of our lives. We do not want an emotional religion, and we have not had it in the meetings at this place. The testimonies have been plain, simple testimonies, declaring that Christ had forgiven sins, and restored the joy of his salvation. As I have heard these testimonies, I have rejoiced; for I knew how angels looked upon the scene. There has been joy in Heaven among the angels of God. There has been among us a heavenly Guest who has been restoring the lost sheep to the fold. Sinners have been reclaimed and reconciled, and I praise God. All Heaven is interested in what has been going on here. You have been abundantly pardoned, and the grace of Christ has been imparted to your souls, and now you are to be Christ's representatives. Every treasure of his goodness is to be given again to others. Every ray of light that has fallen upon your pathway is to be reflected upon some other who is in darkness. You are to speak with this one, to pray with that one, to write a letter to another, and to go about doing good to all men as you have opportunity. You have been made stewards of the manifold grace of God, which you are to dispense to others. ST March 4, 1889, par. 7