

Homeward Bound
By Ellen Gould White
396 pagesen

Homeward Bound marks a century’s passing in 2015 since the death of Ellen G. White. It covers many of the major themes in her writings such as: surrender and acceptance, victory in Christ, a united church, and the great controversy.

Book code: HB

Published by Pacific Press Publishing Association, Nampa

Citation: White, E. G. (2015) Homeward Bound. Pacific Press Publishing Association, Nampa.

Retrieved from https://next.egwwritings.org/book/b12862

396 pages


Homeward Bound marks a century’s passing in 2015 since the death of Ellen G. White. It covers many of the major themes in her writings such as: surrender and acceptance, victory in Christ, a united church, and the great controversy.

Book code: HB


AuthorEllen Gould White



Book codeHB


PublisherPacific Press Publishing Association, Nampa

Citation: {{cite}} White, E. G. (2015) Homeward Bound. Pacific Press Publishing Association, Nampa.

Retrieved from https://next.egwwritings.org/book/b12862