

The E. G. White Counsel on Versions of the Bible
By Arthur Lacey White

Ellen White does not comment directly about using non KJV Bible versions, but it is clear from her practice that she recognized the desirability of making use of the best in all versions of the Bible.

Book code: EGWCVB

Published by Ellen G. White, Inc.

Citation: White, A. L. (1953) The E. G. White Counsel on Versions of the Bible. Ellen G. White, Inc..

Retrieved from https://next.egwwritings.org/book/b710


Ellen White does not comment directly about using non KJV Bible versions, but it is clear from her practice that she recognized the desirability of making use of the best in all versions of the Bible.

Book code: EGWCVB


AuthorArthur Lacey White


Book codeEGWCVB


PublisherEllen G. White, Inc.

Citation: {{cite}} White, A. L. (1953) The E. G. White Counsel on Versions of the Bible. Ellen G. White, Inc..

Retrieved from https://next.egwwritings.org/book/b710