

Mind, Character, and Personality, vol. 2
By Ellen Gould White
440 pagesen

Volume 2: What is the true psychology in the gospel work, as well as the dangers of its popular counterfeit? This and other important wide-ranging topics are covered in this volume. Counsels on education, the importance of home influences, as well as the science behind mental growth and cultivation is provided.

Book code: 2MCP

Published by Nashville, TN: Southern Publishing Association

ISBN: 978-1-61253-053-6

Citation: White, E. G. (1977) Mind, Character, and Personality, vol. 2. Nashville, TN: Southern Publishing Association.

Retrieved from https://next.egwwritings.org/book/b78

440 pages


Volume 2: What is the true psychology in the gospel work, as well as the dangers of its popular counterfeit? This and other important wide-ranging topics are covered in this volume. Counsels on education, the importance of home influences, as well as the science behind mental growth and cultivation is provided.

Book code: 2MCP


AuthorEllen Gould White



Book code2MCP


PublisherNashville, TN: Southern Publishing Association

Citation: {{cite}} White, E. G. (1977) Mind, Character, and Personality, vol. 2. Nashville, TN: Southern Publishing Association.

Retrieved from https://next.egwwritings.org/book/b78