

Child Guidance
By Ellen Gould White
569 pagesen

Child Guidance covers the essentials of parenting, with chapters on specific building blocks of character, such as purity, cheerfulness, self-control, reverence, respect, honesty, cleanliness, and courtesy. It includes guidance on how to teach self-denial, how to mold the will, reinforce good habits, evoke penitence without resentment, and conduct effective family worships.

Book code: CG

Published by Washington, D.C.: Review and Herald Publishing Association

ISBN: 978-1-61253-008-6

Citation: White, E. G. (1954) Child Guidance. Washington, D.C.: Review and Herald Publishing Association.

Retrieved from https://next.egwwritings.org/book/b8

569 pages


Child Guidance covers the essentials of parenting, with chapters on specific building blocks of character, such as purity, cheerfulness, self-control, reverence, respect, honesty, cleanliness, and courtesy. It includes guidance on how to teach self-denial, how to mold the will, reinforce good habits, evoke penitence without resentment, and conduct effective family worships.

Book code: CG


AuthorEllen Gould White



Book codeCG


PublisherWashington, D.C.: Review and Herald Publishing Association

Citation: {{cite}} White, E. G. (1954) Child Guidance. Washington, D.C.: Review and Herald Publishing Association.

Retrieved from https://next.egwwritings.org/book/b8