

Prophets and Kings
By Ellen Gould White
733 pagesen

Prophets and Kings, the second volume in the Conflict of the Ages series, opens with the story of Solomon’s glorious reign over Israel and ends with the nation’s exile and captivity. It traces the history of a favored and chosen people, vacillating between allegiance to God and to the gods of the nations around them. In these pages can vividly be seen dramatic evidences of the raging struggle between God and Satan for the hearts of men and women. Here the reader will find fascinating characters—wise Solomon, fearless Elijah, wicked Ahaz, beloved Daniel, courageous Jeremiah, and many others. Their experiences provide rich lessons of faith and evidences of God’s love and providential care.
NOTE: Pagination follows that of the standard printing which is also used in the Comprehensive (Topical) Index to the Writings of Ellen G. White.

Book code: PK

Published by Mountain View, CA: Pacific Press Publishing Association

ISBN: 978-1-61253-061-1

Citation: White, E. G. (1917) Prophets and Kings. Mountain View, CA: Pacific Press Publishing Association.

Retrieved from https://next.egwwritings.org/book/b88

733 pages


Prophets and Kings, the second volume in the Conflict of the Ages series, opens with the story of Solomon’s glorious reign over Israel and ends with the nation’s exile and captivity. It traces the history of a favored and chosen people, vacillating between allegiance to God and to the gods of the nations around them. In these pages can vividly be seen dramatic evidences of the raging struggle between God and Satan for the hearts of men and women. Here the reader will find fascinating characters—wise Solomon, fearless Elijah, wicked Ahaz, beloved Daniel, courageous Jeremiah, and many others. Their experiences provide rich lessons of faith and evidences of God’s love and providential care.
NOTE: Pagination follows that of the standard printing which is also used in the Comprehensive (Topical) Index to the Writings of Ellen G. White.

Book code: PK


AuthorEllen Gould White



Book codePK


PublisherMountain View, CA: Pacific Press Publishing Association

Citation: {{cite}} White, E. G. (1917) Prophets and Kings. Mountain View, CA: Pacific Press Publishing Association.

Retrieved from https://next.egwwritings.org/book/b88