

Selected Messages Book 1
By Ellen Gould White
416 pagesen

During her 70 years of ministry Ellen G. White wrote more than 5,000 articles on a wide variety of subjects. The unique collection in this book includes important statements on inspiration, her work as messenger of the Lord, and the processes by which God communicates His will to the human family. It also includes fresh insights on Christian experience, soul wining, and the struggle between the forces of righteousness and the forces of evil for the allegiance of God's people. Of special value are messages presenting Christ in the central truths of the Advent message, and those that offer practical instruction, warnings, and counsel for the church.

Book code: 1SM

Published by Washington, D.C.: Review and Herald Publishing Association

ISBN: 978-1-61253-071-0

Citation: White, E. G. (1958) Selected Messages Book 1. Washington, D.C.: Review and Herald Publishing Association.

Retrieved from https://next.egwwritings.org/book/b98

416 pages


During her 70 years of ministry Ellen G. White wrote more than 5,000 articles on a wide variety of subjects. The unique collection in this book includes important statements on inspiration, her work as messenger of the Lord, and the processes by which God communicates His will to the human family. It also includes fresh insights on Christian experience, soul wining, and the struggle between the forces of righteousness and the forces of evil for the allegiance of God's people. Of special value are messages presenting Christ in the central truths of the Advent message, and those that offer practical instruction, warnings, and counsel for the church.

Book code: 1SM


AuthorEllen Gould White



Book code1SM


PublisherWashington, D.C.: Review and Herald Publishing Association

Citation: {{cite}} White, E. G. (1958) Selected Messages Book 1. Washington, D.C.: Review and Herald Publishing Association.

Retrieved from https://next.egwwritings.org/book/b98